Refocus: Running the Race with Endurance
This past Sunday, Pastor Ryan kicked off our new sermon series, Refocus, with an inspiring message from Hebrews 12:1–2. The passage compares our walk with Christ to running a race, reminding us to throw off everything that hinders us, fix our eyes on Jesus, and run with endurance. As we begin a new year, this message couldn’t be more timely.
Pastor Ryan shared his experience of running a half marathon and how, in the final stretch of the race, the roar of the crowd gave him the motivation to push through. In the same way, our faith journey isn’t meant to be run alone. We’re surrounded by a great cloud of witnesses cheering us on—those faithful men and women who have gone before us and our church family who encourage us today.
Life has a way of weighing us down, doesn’t it? Distractions, busyness, and even good things can pull us away from the race God has marked out for us. January often feels like a time for fresh starts, but while we might focus on resolutions like saving money or getting healthier, Pastor Ryan challenged us to consider the state of our spiritual race. Are we running with purpose, or have we let life’s burdens and distractions slow us down?
The writer of Hebrews calls us to fix our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith. This isn’t about trying harder or relying on our own strength—it’s about looking to Jesus, who endured the cross for the joy set before Him: our redemption. His perseverance gives us both a model to follow and the strength to keep going, even when the race feels impossible.
So how’s your race going? Maybe it’s time to identify what’s holding you back—sin, distractions, or even misplaced priorities—and lay it down. Jesus invites us to refocus on Him, realigning our lives with His purpose and running the race with clarity and endurance.
If you missed Sunday’s message or want to hear it again, you can watch it below. This is a powerful way to start the year, keeping Jesus at the center of everything we do.
Let’s run this race together as a church. Imagine the impact we could make if we all chose to refocus on Christ this year! Let’s encourage one another, hold each other accountable, and cheer each other on as we pursue God’s purpose for our lives. The race isn’t easy, but it’s worth it, and we don’t run it alone.
Take a moment this week to reflect on what’s weighing you down and what steps you can take to refocus on Jesus. Let’s fix our eyes on Him and run with endurance—together.